Clearly, the tenets of Humanism would be ideal for everyone to follow. Humanism seeks the flourishing and happiness of all humanity and devoid of religious dogma.

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🔸Religion: 'Pudding is the only way' 'Pasta is the only way' 'Salad is the only way'

🔸Spiritual: 'It's all food'

Mystics are the root and trunk of the same tree, the branches of which are different religions.

From youtube film "With One Voice"


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Loved this article. I actually explored a similar idea through the lens of recognising our common humanity in contrast to the rising trend on dehumanization playing out on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I think the dehumanization aspect compliments the grand systems perspective you have presented by zooming in to a particular psychological construct that fuels separation of social organisms and bypasses evolutionary empathy circuits that allows for people of moral character to unwittingly sustain support for violence. You can read it here:


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Lasting peace will only come when groups no longer want to destroy other groups. No Israeli wishes to destroy Islam, whereas Hamas explicitly states that its goal is to destroy Israel and the Jews. "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." From the Covenant of Hamas: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp.

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"Even more integrative would be a “one-state solution” which would create a single state that includes Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, where all inhabitants have equal rights." In theory, the single state where all inhabitants have equal rights already exists: in Israel. Yet it is only in Gaza and West Bank where Jews have no rights.

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Really wish he would have left his opionion (in my opionion, not based in reality) out of R2O. This article really hasn't aged well :(

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Love "unifying worldview" "global brain" "global ethos" "coherent superorganism." But the problem isn't that Israelis and Palestinians have different worldviews -- They share the same worldview of tribalism, religion, maintaining difference with relatively closed, protective boundaries to maintain tried-and-true traditions. But within both camps there are people without that worldview at all. Older people who remember when they all lived happily in the same towns. People interconnected on the web to a wider world. People who see more similarity than difference among people. The transcendent worldview that you call for is emerging everywhere. Paul Hawken wrote about it in his 2008 book, Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World. Grounded in the earth, literally, with no manifesto, no leader, people worldwide are growing their own systems, but are deeply interconnected by shared knowledge. Now we'll see which worldview will prevail -- Will we fall into the amplifying feedback loops of closure and distrust, or will we stop it and balance it with love and reason?

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I absolutely agree with you, except I think to properly counter the dehumanizing effect of religion and capitalism, we need more than a new ethos. We need a new mythos.

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I like this broad analysis. The currently dominant myths which guide western civ (global capitalism) have been polluted by corrupt leadership which deceive masses with evolving schemes. It's possible to use these shared myths to make psycho-spiritual & social advancements. But leaders promote the opposite by pitting people against each other, exploiting unnecessary scarcity, and especially by making people believe lies. The Orwellian view is not merely a post WW2 insight. It's part and parcel of a 5000 year old hierarchy.

Bad leadership is why Jesus went into the temple with a bullwhip and overturned the money tables that reliogious leaders used to sell animals for sacrifice. They were fleecing the public... and scrambling people's minds to get them to go along with it. It's a trend to say the least. A week after Jesus made his point, the court crucified him. Also an oft told tale if you look at it through the economic-political lens.

I guess the debate might remain: Were these lessons on humanity shaped consciously by people who do the fleecing? Or was it a collective and unconscious process of development? The Gospel of Judas reveals a Jesus who was angered by how his teaching would be used. Is this prophesy? Or just the foresight that comes from humanistic acumen and pattern recognition? Definitely I see why The Gospel of Judas got edited out of the official version. And I see a parallel with the humanities being defunded in modern universities.

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What if .....

What if Christianity was hijacked by the Roman empire because the ruling class saw the benefits of the mythos, but the message Jesus was spreading was representative of a natural human development that has been retarded since then?

The Christian religion in its modern form seems to have been created by the Romans, and hence, not surprisingly still benefits the ruling class.

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It is clear that the ruling class operates institutions—including religion—in a way that holds back human potential. People ARE encouraged to develop advanced technical skills that are then compartmentalized within large systems. The entirety of society functions like the US atomic project during WW2—>the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing. Or, rather, the first tentacle does not know what 995/1000 tentacles are doing. But people ARE NOT encouraged toward collective self-determination. If we were then the Freedom of Information Act would actually mean something. As of now it's a farce filled with redactions.

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We always end up back at the same place, don't we? Few powerful resource hoarders making influential decisions that influences the rest of us sheeple.

And this happens while their power relies on our compliance. It almost seems like this power structure is built into our psyche.

I found this guy on Tiktok recently who is researching the ownership of Blackrock, and his research is leading him in an interesting, but not surprising, direction. I hope he gets there before he ends up dead.

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It's important to acknowledge this recurrence across history. But I've been thinking about this discussion thread and started considering it in reference to the Road to Omega project. Bobby has an inspiring vision. Although I want to believe in it, maybe there's a gap we tend to fill with points about these corruption issues. I see the question as, "How do we move from here to an envisioned future if we don't trust society's leadership?" I don't want to weigh down the movement. But thoughts of distrust will inevitably come from somewhere if a systemic problem remains. I'm open to ideas on maintaining teleological focus.

Bobby recommends we consider each other's worldviews. Other commenters point out that people can lose sight of real value if we let dogma stand in the way of relating to our fellow humans. So, Andre, is there a way for us to better understand the people we see as barriers to humanity's progress? I feel like I have to build backward from their actions in the world to figure out what they want... what they're building. The more I consider their worldview the more I oppose it.

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I don't see individuals as the problem, actually. Most people, regardless of their position, are good people. Of course, there are also the other kind, but traditionally groups have been able to deal with them via measures inherent in all cultures. But these measures depend on a group dynamic which seems lacking in the modern West.

The problem from my perspective, is systemic because of ideas. Ideas are mind viruses which grow and multiply and then become the norm. Of course, this has always been the way, but in the past we had feedback mechanisms because we lived in a certain kind of environment where nature would weed out counter-productive ideas naturally.

We have become so successful as a species though, that we have removed ourselves from this natural feedback mechanism and hence we have become grotesque.

I do not believe it has to be this way though. We have the potential for good and creating a healthy society, but this inclination has been usurped by the For Profit philosophy. And this has not happened naturally. Money attracts money, like power attracts power, so the natural end to this current system, is indeed the few owning most of the resources while the many live in a rat race for what is left. This outcome is built into the system itself. That is not what most people want though and is contrary to our natural inclination, I believe.

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If life is a game, this region would be for those wanting to play in the highest difficulty. There are so many factors.

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" A “two-State solution” is the most widely supported international framework, and it envisions an independent State of Israel and an independent State of Palestine living side by side in peace and security "

-- not anymore, your opionion has not aged well.

" This resolution would create a single state that includes Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, where all inhabitants have equal rights. It could be a “bi-national state,” a single democratic state in which Israelis and Palestinians have equal representation and protections under the law, maintaining their distinct national identities "

-- your ideas here are not based on the reality. It was never about "Nationalism" for a Palestinian state (rather their cause is really motivated by a pathological ideology that cannot allow for an Israel to exist). See here for an enlightened perspective:


" Either option would be a giant step up from the current situation. While the two-state solution is more realistic, it could serve as a potential transition state to the more integrated single state in the not-too-distant future. Of course, the success of any plan would depend on the willingness of the populations to reconcile and live together in peace. "

-- reality has proven, as stated above, one side has zero intentions to live in peace with the other, but rather to wipe them out.

Israel is the only side in the history of the conflict that has continuously tried the live togther in peace route, only to be met with rejections, intifadas and then Oct 7. Now popular opionion (of the wise at least), has shifted to understanding what the Palestinian side really is motivated by and understands that a 2 state solution can never work, because they never cared for a state in the first place. They just care to wipe out Israel, and any other motive and "stories" are lies disguised using the victim-oprressor BS narrative to garner sympathy (and support for terrorism) from the sheep of the West. GET IT YET WORLD? All the truth is out there in plain sight for anyone willing to earnestly look for it through the extremely thick vale of antisemitic, terrorst propaganda BS pushed by the mass media and eaten up by the sheep of the world.

I would like to think this R2O movement and neuronamtics are not sheep, but leaders; and as such have the ability to see the truth on difficult matters such as this and even lead the truth, especially if you're going to bring this topic into your movement.. as you did here with this article.. Wow! Please do not support or indirectly give any justification to terrorism, thank you.

Especially if we are in a critical period of a "phase transition" it's so important that good leaders have the ability to decipher out the truth from the current chaos of misinformation spreading, and more importantly, do so with moral clarity.

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I am sorry I paid for half a year. Glad that I reduced it to one month with easy options. Sometimes things that seem too good to be true are. And I kick myself for my foolishness despite the attractive art. Looking for a magical fix in "consciousness" is a dilatants privilege. The truth elided is technological innovations without genuine social miracles will not save us. * (P2PF) Intellectual masturbation no matter how erudite is still masturbation and changes nothing for our brother and sister creatures.

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"MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL" and How to Prevent It

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock worship of dictators

❤️ Promote moral organizations

❤️ Actions by everyone creates freedom


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